Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Destiny 2nd part playthrough

Currently my Hunter is at level 12 and now I will be returning to the single player campaign and documenting it as my Hunter levels up through the missions I complete and the bounties I turn in.

My current level 12 character

I decided to play a few missions on the Moon mainly the Ocean of Storms and cleared a few Bounties. I also decided to participate in a few more crucible matches to help boosting my level along with the bounties that are associated with the Crucible. I completed beating hunters, warlocks and titan bounties as well as defeat other guardians using supers, grenades and killing them from behind. I even attempted some Eris Morn bounties for picking up kills on the moon. The bounties allowed me to move fastly through the levels and at 16 I was able to use my Stranger's Rifle. At this level its really useful and powerful seen as I am leveled up past the level needed for these missions because of my Crucible matches and bounties. I moved onto level 20 which allows me to equip my Ghost Angel Chest Piece. I also equipped the Polar Oak shader to my hunter's uniform to make it look like camouflage.

My level 20 Hunter

So to talk about everything thats happened since - I feel like I over-leveled my character way too fast because hitting level 20 was not hard at all thanks to my addiction to the Crucible and gained very few noteworthy items but I had most things traded over from my Titan class to suit up my Hunter for war. I also bought the cloak from New Monarchy so I could increase my rank with that faction so I can obtain some new unique shaders from them which I think will be really cool to have such as -  Barrier Ethos, Cleopatra AK, Nefertiti AK and Themisto.

Also my Titan now has a legendary helmet (at last!) and I gave it the Shader Jester Apogee along with the Mark of Chaos from the Future War Cult faction to not only match the shader but increase my  reputation with them in order to get myself some new leg greaves called Astrolord Greaves.

Current level 29 Future War Cult focused Titan

If you feel like learning more about Destiny then follow these 2 links to Destiny's official site and the wiki centered around Destiny - Destinypedia.

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