Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Hunter vs. Titan Comparison

This post is just about my personal experience playing as both the Hunter and the Titan classes and I will now compare and contrast the two against each other in abilities in 2 subclasses that they currently have and compare the differences in their armour. Lets overview the 2 classes I played most with.

Titan Striker (I prefer this over Defender)

Grenades - Flashbang, Pulse or Lightning

Flashbang does exactly what it says on the tin, it blinds enemy view - whiting out an enemy player's screen so they can't see while also damaging them a little bit.

Pulse - A grenade that periodically dispels about three bursts of lightning on the area in a radius where it is thrown at and it damages enemies heavily.

Lightning - A grenade that sticks to any surface and emits bolts of lightning at regular intervals towards anyone who steps near it for a certain amount of time.

Personal Opinion - I prefer the pulse grenade over Flashbang because of its superior damage and over the Lightning grenade because it can does not require a surface to stick to so it can thrown straight at an enemy.

Movement Abilites

- Lift is the basic form of Jump for Titans

Increased Height - provides a better maximum height on each jump

Increased Control - provides better directional movement while jumping

Catapult - Initial burst of momentum when jumping

Personal Opinion - Increased Height is the best bet because it allows you to jump over obstacles that normally can't be scaled and even hit the height limit on some maps which is very advantageous for Snipers who find high spots to pick off targets (Yes I prefer Sniper Rifles as my second weapon).

Super Ability

- Fist of Havoc - A devastating ground smash that dissolves everything caught in its wake. Basic Super ability for Striker class

Aftermath - leaves a damage dealing radius in its wake that bursts 3 times

Death from Above - After jumping Fist of Havoc can be aimed at enemies below

Shockwave - sends a wave in the direction the titan is facing 

Personal Opinion - Aftermath is the ability I prefer as a lot of postmortem kills can be achieved through its three bursts.


- Storm Fist - A punch that deals bonus damage. Basic melee attack for Striker class

Overload - chance to immediately reset cooldown of Storm Fist

Discharge - chance to cause an area of damage effect around target

Amplify - Storm Fist kills reduce cooldown of Fist of Havoc

Personal Opinion - Ampliy is the only ability here that is consistent all the other only have a chance to happen

Class Modifiers

Titan Codex I - Boosts Armour, Recovery and Agility

Titan Codex II - Boosts Agility and Armour significantly

Titan Codex III - Boosts Recovery and Agility significantly

Personal Opinion - Titan Codex I is the one I use but if I had a choice here i'd take one that doesn't add Agility because Titans are slow anyway.

Ability Modifiers

Headstrong - when running Fist of Havoc has greater leap distance

Aftershocks - Extends duration of pulse and lightning grenades as well as Fist of Havoc aftermath

Transfusion - Melee kills provide health regeneration

Personal Opinion - Aftershocks is definitely the most handy as 4 bursts instead of 3 can overwhelm a lot of enemies because of the power of Fist of Havoc and Pulse/ Lighning grenades

Attribute Modifiers

Titan Codex IV - Training focused on all attributes

Titan Codex V - Train solely on Maximum Recovery

Titan Codex VI - Train solely on Top Agility

Personal Opinion - Titan Codex V is my main go to modifier here because recovering health as quick as possible can be a life saver.

Ability Modifiers II

Unstoppable - Harder to kill while using Fist of Havoc

Shoulder Charge - After running for a short time, unleash this devastating melee tackle

Juggernaut - Gain a protective shield after running for a short time

Personal Opinion - I always use Shoulder Charge especially since I have MK. 44 Stand Asides which boost the duration of when you can shoulder charge.

My so far final Titan class at level 29

Hunter Gunslinger (I prefer this over Bladedancer)

Grenades - Incendiary, Swarm or Tripmin

Incendiary - Explodes and sets close enemies on fire which causes extra damage over time.

Swarm - Detonates on impact and sends a swarm of drones after enemies that are too close to them

Tripmine - Sticks to any surface and explodes when someone trips the laser on it

Personal Opinion - For me the Swarm grenade was definitely my favourite because if enemies were far too close to me and I knew I was about to die I would just throw a Swarm grenade and it would take them out too because all the drones would focus on them.

Movement Abilites

- Double Jump is the basic form of Jump for Hunters

Better Control - Provides a better directional control on each jump

Triple Jump - Provides a third jump while jumping

Higher Jump - Better height provided for double jumping

Personal Opinion - The triple jump was the best one for me all around because it made it way easier to jump between platforms even while falling and allowed me to avoid falling damage a lot.

Super Ability

- Golden Gun - A solar light gun that disintegrates anyone caught in the bullets path. 3 shots only

Deadeye - Better accuracy for Golden Gun

Combustion - Enemies explode after being shot

Gunfighter - reduces cooldown of Golden Gun

Personal Opinion - Gunfighter was the best for me because I wanted to use the ability as much as possible.


- Throwing Knife - Throws a knife from distance but also knifes enemies at close range

Circle of Life - Killing an enemy with a throwing knife while Golden Gun is active extends its duration and adds +1 armour.

Incendiary Blade - Throwing knife catches enemies on fire dealing additional damage over time

Knife Juggler - Precision throwing knife kills reset its cooldown

Personal Opinion - Incendiary Blade was the ability of choice for me here because my throwing knife skills are not great but the times it did catch some one this ability would ensure their demise.

Class Modifiers

Path Forgotten - Boosts Armour and Agility +2 to both

Path Forbidden - Boosts Agility and Recovery +2 to both

Path Unknown - Boosts Recovery and Armour +2 to both

Personal Opinion - Path forbidden was the best way to go for a Hunter who lack armour skills.

Ability Modifiers

Scavenger - Picking up ammo reduces the cooldown of grenades and throwing knife

Keyhole - Golden Gun overpenetrates and can damage multiple targets

Gunslinger's trance - Precision kills increase weapon stability. Stacks up to 3 times

Personal Opinion - I found scavenger to be the best ability for this class because grenades are very useful for PvP and PvE.

Attribute Modifiers

Way of the Drifter - Training focused on all attributes. +1 Recovery, +2 Armour and +2 Agility

Way of the Fearless - Training focused on armour above all else. +5 Armour.

Way of the Nomad - Training focused on Battle Recovery. +4 Recovery, +1 Agility.

Personal Opinion - I prefer the Way of the Drifter because it gives more agility to Hunter's which specialize in agility.

Ability Modifiers II

Chain of Woe - Similar to Gunslinger's Trance except it stacks reload speed.

Over the Horizon - Increases range of Golden Gun and +1 recovery

Gambler's dagger - Gain an additional throwing dagger

Personal Opinion - I tested these out extensively and I would personally recommend Over the Horizon because of the bonus to recovery.

My final level Hunter

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